Heart problems in dogs

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Table of contents:
- A matter close to the heart
- Classification
- Root cause research
- Interim Conclusion
- A testimonial
- What should not be missing
A matter close to the heart
Why do so many dogs have heart problems today?
For affected dog owners, the diagnosis of a heart problem in their pet is often a shock. But even with heart disease, there is a lot naturopathic that you can do as a holder and that is why this topic is a matter close to our hearts in the truest sense of the word!
There are two main categories of heart problems. First, there are problems with the heart muscle — here the strength of the heart, i.e. the pumping capacity, is no longer fully available. In the terminal stage, this is referred to as heart failure.
Then there are the problems that affect the heart valves — here the valve is no longer closed, which means there is a backflow of blood, comparable to a leaky valve. This is then referred to as heart valve insufficiency.
In both cases, conventional medicine offers a range of heart medications which are intended to temporarily eliminate the symptoms and relieve the heart, for example by dehydrating the body or by lowering blood pressure. However, the cause of heart failure, whether that of the muscle or that of the valves, is not resolved here!
Rather, it is a game for time that sooner or later leads the holder into drug addiction and thus into a spiral of symptom relief, anxiety, uncertainty, self-doubt and feelings of guilt.
Root cause research
First of all, it is important to understand what the heart functions. It is well known that the heart is a muscle and its main task is to pump blood through the body. But what does that mean exactly?
All nutrients and vital oxygen are pumped down to the last part of the body by the heart and distributed to every single cell.
In return, carbon dioxide and all “waste products” of metabolism are transported via the blood to the appropriate excretory organs such as the lungs, liver or kidneys.
As soon as the body lacks nutrients or oxygen on the one hand or too much waste products in the tissue on the other hand, the affected tissue “sends” an “emergency signal.” The heart then receives the impulse from the brain to pump more and harder in order to return to normal.
However, if this cause, namely the lack of nutrients or the excess of “waste products”, is not eliminated, a vicious circle will arise over time. This is because the heart then has to do its job permanently under increased pressure — this is known as high blood pressure. The increased blood pressure and the associated increased (long-term) load then inevitably lead to damage to the heart muscle.
The heart valves are also affected, as increased pressure is always looking for a valve to “escape”. This valve is the heart valves, which are under increased blood pressure and, as a result of the overload, finally no longer close properly or, to put it casually, leak.
Interim Conclusion
As you can see, both heart failure and heart valve insufficiency are the direct (and predictable) consequences of increased blood pressure.
The administration of antihypertensive (beta-blockers), dehydrating (furosemide) or heart-boosting (Vetmedin®) drugs does absolutely nothing to change this actual cause, namely the lack of nutrients!
On the contrary, by suppressing the body's own regulatory mechanisms (nothing else is the increased blood pressure at the end), the body is severely structurally damaged over time.
It is important to understand that medications (as always) are only aimed at the symptom, namely increased blood pressure. However, this symptom disappears by itself over time once the causes are understood and eliminated. Medication will then of course also be superfluous.
It is important to us that you start to understand what the actual causes of your dog's heart problem are! Because with this understanding, you can understand the necessary individual countermeasures and let the body heal itself from within. A process that requires your active collaboration.
Please also watch the following video for further explanation.
A testimonial
In the picture you can see miniature Bull Terrier Cruizer. Before that, nutritional deficiencies and general discomfort are written all over his face and can be clearly seen in his body language.
Back then, heart valve insufficiency was just one of many symptoms that the little guy carried around with him. Cruizer started out in our program with five drugs, including three different preparations for the heart as well as cortisone and antibiotics.
Today, it is completely drug-free and is impressive! An energetic gem of a dog. The result of a long journey, which was very worthwhile for the overjoyed owner. This is exactly how long-term dog health is achieved WITHOUT medication!
What should not be missing
For the sake of completeness, I would like to take this opportunity to address the topic of resonance between dog and owner, which should not go unmentioned when it comes to heart problems.
You are probably familiar with expressions such as “have something on your mind,” “take something to heart,” or “have your heart in the right place.” So if there is something in your life that “breaks your heart”, you can, to put it carefully, assume that your dog, as your heartfelt companion, will help you bear this emotional burden. Even if it damages his own heart. That's just what dogs are like.
If you are also in a seemingly “hopeless” situation with a dog with heart disease, then take heart and feel free to get in touch with us by booking an appointment for a non-binding initial consultation on my website https://franzspitzer.de/.
We are happy to meet you and your pet dog!
Best regards
Veterinarian Dr. Franz
P.S. I would like to expressly point out that these are not promises of healing! Rather, it is a presentation of what is possible when medications are stopped early and the causes are promptly eliminated by committed owners. Every day that you spend in the misconception that “My dog needs his heart medication” is one too many for your pet...
Frequently Asked Questions

In Question 4, all acute complaints and pain conditions are listed where direct physical intervention on your dog's body by a local veterinarian is really necessary.
For all other symptoms not listed there (especially if they have taken a chronic course), intervention on-site does not provide sustainable healing!
Symptoms are merely suppressed or diseases "managed," and what is always missing is the clarification of disease causes – and this clarification is very well possible online, i.e., remotely.
Through detailed anamnesis, the individual step-by-step plan, and long-term collaboration, we can demonstrably help you and your dog better than if we physically touched them! We obtain all necessary information through pictures/videos and interviews.
Since we work exclusively online, you can reach us from anywhere and receive daily answers to your questions.
Moreover, your dog is not subjected to the considerable stress associated with visiting a veterinary practice every time.

Nutrition is one building block in the regeneration process, but not the only or most important one. In our coaching, we have defined 6 central points that are indispensable for dog health based on experience. Therefore, it takes much more than just nutrition.

Just as a plant doesn't grow faster or a child doesn't grow up faster just because a person wants it to, your dog's healing also requires time and patience.
Depending on the symptoms, chronicity, previous medication, age of the dog, and also the cooperation or implementation by the owner, physical regeneration of your dog usually takes between 3-6 months, sometimes longer in severe cases.
Ultimately, many other factors play a role in regeneration. We always adhere to the iron principle: "The pace is set by your dog."

Definitely. Before the body shows symptoms, there is a long period during which your dog's organism tries to heal itself within its capabilities. Only when this is no longer possible and the regulatory or regeneration processes in the body are overloaded do symptoms occur.
Therefore, your dog shouldn't wait to show visible signs before you take action. The idea of prophylaxis is a central building block of our work to spare your dog (and you) a lot of suffering.

Even if your partner is skeptical, there's initially nothing standing in the way of collaboration, with one exception: He/she must not be categorically against it!
We humans often have a different opinion than our fellow humans and also often than our partner. Both opinions are equally valid.
Recognizing that both can be right means a whole new possibility and creates new space for you in your partnership!
A certain skepticism is indeed healthy, and we can discuss any concerns and fears. We always recommend asking the partner for trust! This gives them the opportunity to get their own picture of the collaboration. If one of the two is really categorically against it, we refrain from collaboration.
We don't want to convince anyone because this conflict is not a good companion for healing. The healing process always requires a joint initiative and harmonious cooperation. This can look very different, and we discuss how exactly in the joint conversation.

For the following acute problems, medical first aid by a local veterinarian is indispensable: Accidents, bone fractures, bite wounds & injuries, gastric torsions, poisonings, foreign body removal, and tumors/cancer. Here we can support you in the aftermath.
Neutering and vaccinations (which we advise against) are, of course, also a case for the local veterinarian.

In principle, yes. Most of our participants come from the D-A-CH region. Participation from Luxembourg and Liechtenstein is also unproblematic.
Due to the different local conditions and circumstances in other countries, there may be implementation difficulties in the program, as certain aids may be difficult to obtain.
If full implementation of the program is not possible due to the local conditions at the applicant's place of residence, we refrain from collaboration under the principle of an honorable merchant.

We DON'T have a local practice, and you don't have to go anywhere with your dog to work with us! The greatest advantage of this 100% online activity is explained under Question 1. This way, you can take care of your dog's health regularly from anywhere. The concept of a local practice is completely revolutionized.
With our many years of experience with now over 1000 dogs, we can assure you that (except in the cases specified in Question 4) NO physical contact with your dog is necessary for us to support you.
Are you ready to take a new path with your dog?
We provide you with the necessary knowledge and all required tools.