Ear infection in dogs

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Table of contents:
- Why ear infections are only an external symptom of a much deeper cause
- The usual course of treatment
- What happens if things continue as before?
- How does ear infection occur
- Heal the intestines and the ears will calm down by themselves over time!
- What is to be done
Why ear infections are only an external symptom of a much deeper cause
Ear infections are among the most persistent and painful symptoms in dogs of all. But before you start, please take a look at this before and after picture of a proud participant as a little motivation:

With the necessary experience, I can say today that ear infections often follow a very unique dynamic, which is not understood by most owners and is simply treated incorrectly by veterinarians. Hardly any other symptom shows the questionable approach of conventional medicine better and more clearly than in the case of (chronic) ear infections.
The usual course of treatment
But one after the other. Once your dog is struggling with ear infections, you will in most cases face a lengthy vet marathon as an owner, unless you are lucky enough to have found this page here early on. I certainly mean that as I say it, because the rule is unfortunately all too often endless visits to the vet (often over several months) associated with serious impairment of the quality of life of dogs and owners.
At some point, you'll probably despair as to why the problems keep recurring or keep getting worse, even though you're having them treated...
The drama is announced with the first signs. As always, it starts innocently. Occasional shaking of your head and occasional scratching of your ear slowly make you aware that something is probably wrong with your ears.
What does he have? You just have a look at your ear but you can't see anything. Well, half as wild. Sooner or later, the dog will stop doing that. Days go by and the behavior is becoming more and more common. The ear is slowly turning red and the scratching is getting more and more intense. The first vacancies are being revealed. So the first visit to the vet is coming up soon. Possible triggers are being sought — negative.
There are initial speculations about allergies, but you haven't noticed anything in this regard. After comforting words, it's time to go home with an ointment containing cortisone in your pocket. A variety of reasons can cause ear inflammation. If a foreign body is the culprit, the matter is clear and your dog will soon be fit again after removal. But only very few dogs are that “happy”.
Of course, because the cause is usually completely different. It doesn't come from outside, it's inside the body!
But no one will tell you that anytime soon, so parasite infestations such as ear mites are considered as a further cause... But since ear mites are only the cause in the rarest cases (since the actual problem is much deeper, as I said), that is roughly the point where the medication carousel really picks up steam...
Now the theatre starts.
Antibacterial ear cleaners, antibiotics or chemical agents against fungi (such as Malassezia) will be your new companions. Time-consuming treatment of the dog and washing all upholstered furniture is recommended. For the sake of your dog, you like to put in this effort, because the first improvement occurs. But the relief is usually only short-lived.
After a short time, the sobering setback. Despite all efforts, everything is getting worse now, your dog is now keeping his head crooked more and more often. By constantly shaking and scratching, your dog tries to get rid of this annoying itch, but of course that doesn't work.
The ear swells, glows fiery red and your dog can no longer rest even at night. Foul-smelling dark earwax is visible and your dog won't let its head be touched because of the pain. Back to the vet, new diagnosis: It must be an allergy! The next attempt with another cortisone supplement and/or antibiotic is started and from now on, your dog may also be served expensive (hypoallergenic) special food.
What happens if things continue as before?
Well, every dog and therefore every course of illness is different. However, inflammation is far from being the worst of evils. This is because the condition can progress from the outer ear canal via the middle ear to the inner ear. This means extreme pain for your animal.
When there is inflammation and the associated swelling, the ear canal narrows over time. Heat and moisture are then trapped and provide an optimal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which maintain or fuel the inflammatory process. This in turn leads to a thickening, the ear canal becomes even narrower and the vicious circle is perfect.
It is important to note that bacteria and fungi are by no means the cause of the ear infection, as you may have been told so far! Rather, they are the result of an ear infection, because they thrive wonderfully in a disturbed environment (and an immune system suppressed by cortisone)!
Furthermore, hearing and balance may now even be impaired. Your dog may even get a fever and eventually no longer want to eat.
Wearing socks or a collar around your neck is essential at some point so that he doesn't keep scratching your ears bloody. The ear infection becomes chronic and, in the worst case, treatment is only possible under anesthesia because the dog becomes aggressive if you even get close to the extremely painful ears. Of course, your relationship with your animal also suffers as a result. At some point, even touching the head is barely possible anymore.
At around the time when antibiotics/cortisone combination preparations no longer work, veterinarians like to bring into play a surgical “opening” or removal of the outer ear canal — e.g. the so-called bulla osteotomy... If you want to scare yourself, you are welcome to Google this operation that, in my opinion, is relevant to animal welfare.
I don't want to describe the horror scenario of ear infection any further, you can certainly imagine what follows or may have even experienced it before. Unfortunately, experience reports just like this are no longer uncommon, but are sent to me regularly. However, it doesn't have to be this way for you and your dog!
The countless visits to the vet have probably cost you a lot of energy (and money), but could only provide temporary relief. Why actually? Surely everything that your vet could offer you was done? This is exactly where the crux of the matter lies. The topic requires much more extensive attention than expected. In fact, the problem is much deeper.
How does ear infection occur
The healthy dog ear is clean and has its own protection and cleaning mechanism. With a balanced environment and proper humidity and ventilation, the holder does not have to intervene. I've also never seen a wolf (or any predator at all) with chronic ear infection... why is that?
The ears are always part of the entire organism and should not be considered separately during therapy. Ear infections are usually a symptom of a major underlying problem throughout the body, which often remains undetected or is simply treated incorrectly. The inflammation in the ear is only the externally visible symptom, in something like the famous tip of the iceberg.
Please watch the following explanatory video first:
Even the side of the inflammation (i.e. whether more the right ear, more the left ear, or both are affected equally) can be an indication of the likely cause.
If your dog has problems with his left ear, it is more likely that there is a hormonal imbalance, i.e. the hormonal balance in the body is disturbed. This can be the result of castration or a malfunction of the ovaries or testicles, for example. Industrial finished feed and the hormonally active substances contained therein are also likely to play a decisive role.
The classic example is soy, which is often contained in low-quality feed. This contains phytoestrogens, which are hormonally active in the body — the so-called endocrine disruptors. We now completely advise against feeding industrial finished feed!
The right ear is related to the body's detoxification organs. If these organs are damaged or overloaded, metabolic waste products will necessarily remain in the body sooner or later. Ear infections (such as tear ducts, skin problems or diarrhea) are an expression of the body trying to eliminate pollutants in every way available to it. This also includes the ears, as toxins can also be secreted via the glands of the ear mucosa (= earwax).
Another reason why ear infections are often so severe and long-lasting is that the ear is a direct point of contact between the inside of the body and the outside world — which is why the immune system is also very present and active here. The immune system also explains the frequent connection between allergies and ear infections. The excessive reactions of the immune system in the context of an allergy are perhaps nowhere as clearly visible as on the ears.
At this point, it should be pointed out that the key to a healthy ear is once again the intestine — because The intestine is the most important organ of the immune system (70-80% of the body's immune cells are in the intestines)!
Heal the intestines and the ears will calm down by themselves over time!
This is because if the intestine is intact, the substances to which the immune system reacts would not even reach the organism in the first place or would be quickly excreted again. The presence of parasites in the ear also points to an underlying problem, because parasites are normally kept in check by the healthy immune system or a healthy, intact organism offers them no habitat. As long as the natural environment in the intestines, on the skin and thus also the environment in the ear is right in an intact, resilient body, parasites, fungi and (bacterial) pathogens actually have no chance.
This changes when the natural balance is affected by unnatural measures or living conditions. Everything from worm tablets, spot-ons, antibiotics (general medicines), vaccinations to pollutants and environmental toxins comes into consideration here. If your dog has ear infections, that's a surefire sign that the body's environment is out of balance.
In addition, many owners are not aware that constant doses of cortisone massively suppress the immune system and finally bring it to the brink of collapse. It is no wonder that bacteria and fungi have an easy time in the ear and spread rapidly. As already said: Bacteria and fungi are by no means the cause of ear infection! Rather, they are the result because the usual treatment “plays into their cards.”
The solution is NOT external treatment with medications (antibiotics, cortisone, pain relievers), neck braces or so-called special food. The solution is to eliminate the cause of ear infection within the body!
Healing always takes place from the inside out! Conventional drug therapy, on the other hand, is exactly the other way around...
What is to be done
An intact intestinal and skin flora can make your dog healthy again, but that takes time. Intestines and organs do not regenerate within days. That's why there are no miracle pills here either.
But until everything is back in balance, you can provide external support and relief. But not with drugs that throw the environment back into imbalance. Instead, natural remedies should be chosen which do not impair the environment, have no side effects and help the body heal itself. Nature gives us so many beneficial substances — we just have to use them!
Just so you've heard it before
One more thing that's too important not to mention. Dogs live with us humans around the clock. They hear almost everything we think and feel. They reflect our behavior and therefore also develop symptoms and illnesses based on “our” ailments.
The expressions “It's already coming out to my ears! ” or “I can't hear it anymore! “I'm sure they sound familiar to you. The German language is very accurate — the whole thing is called psychosomatics. I think it's definitely worth thinking about why psychological/emotional suffering manifests itself physically at some point — even if it “only” affects your dog for now! It is no accident that the body reacts the way it does.
You've probably never heard all this important information from a vet. At least that's the case with most dog owners who come to me. This is partly due to the fact that such connections are not taught during studies.
Unfortunately, current therapy therefore consists of therapy with unnatural chemical drugs and special food. As already explained, there will be no long-term success in this way. For this reason, it is up to you to take responsibility for your dog's health!
If you don't want to hear, you have to feel and if you don't want to learn anything new, no one can help you. However, if you're willing to take a different path and learn new things, then no one can stop you.
We know that healing ear infections requires a great deal of stamina. Experience has shown that the ears are the last to heal. But it is entirely possible!
If you need help, feel free to let me and my team support you and we'll show you how you can help your dog sustainably and permanently through your own initiative!
All the best for you and your pet
Best regards
Your vet
Dr. Francis
PS: Maybe take a look at this interview as well. Nano had, among other things, constant ear infections and head misalignment. Today, the little guy is in perfect health.
Frequently Asked Questions

In Question 4, all acute complaints and pain conditions are listed where direct physical intervention on your dog's body by a local veterinarian is really necessary.
For all other symptoms not listed there (especially if they have taken a chronic course), intervention on-site does not provide sustainable healing!
Symptoms are merely suppressed or diseases "managed," and what is always missing is the clarification of disease causes – and this clarification is very well possible online, i.e., remotely.
Through detailed anamnesis, the individual step-by-step plan, and long-term collaboration, we can demonstrably help you and your dog better than if we physically touched them! We obtain all necessary information through pictures/videos and interviews.
Since we work exclusively online, you can reach us from anywhere and receive daily answers to your questions.
Moreover, your dog is not subjected to the considerable stress associated with visiting a veterinary practice every time.

Nutrition is one building block in the regeneration process, but not the only or most important one. In our coaching, we have defined 6 central points that are indispensable for dog health based on experience. Therefore, it takes much more than just nutrition.

Just as a plant doesn't grow faster or a child doesn't grow up faster just because a person wants it to, your dog's healing also requires time and patience.
Depending on the symptoms, chronicity, previous medication, age of the dog, and also the cooperation or implementation by the owner, physical regeneration of your dog usually takes between 3-6 months, sometimes longer in severe cases.
Ultimately, many other factors play a role in regeneration. We always adhere to the iron principle: "The pace is set by your dog."

Definitely. Before the body shows symptoms, there is a long period during which your dog's organism tries to heal itself within its capabilities. Only when this is no longer possible and the regulatory or regeneration processes in the body are overloaded do symptoms occur.
Therefore, your dog shouldn't wait to show visible signs before you take action. The idea of prophylaxis is a central building block of our work to spare your dog (and you) a lot of suffering.

Even if your partner is skeptical, there's initially nothing standing in the way of collaboration, with one exception: He/she must not be categorically against it!
We humans often have a different opinion than our fellow humans and also often than our partner. Both opinions are equally valid.
Recognizing that both can be right means a whole new possibility and creates new space for you in your partnership!
A certain skepticism is indeed healthy, and we can discuss any concerns and fears. We always recommend asking the partner for trust! This gives them the opportunity to get their own picture of the collaboration. If one of the two is really categorically against it, we refrain from collaboration.
We don't want to convince anyone because this conflict is not a good companion for healing. The healing process always requires a joint initiative and harmonious cooperation. This can look very different, and we discuss how exactly in the joint conversation.

For the following acute problems, medical first aid by a local veterinarian is indispensable: Accidents, bone fractures, bite wounds & injuries, gastric torsions, poisonings, foreign body removal, and tumors/cancer. Here we can support you in the aftermath.
Neutering and vaccinations (which we advise against) are, of course, also a case for the local veterinarian.

In principle, yes. Most of our participants come from the D-A-CH region. Participation from Luxembourg and Liechtenstein is also unproblematic.
Due to the different local conditions and circumstances in other countries, there may be implementation difficulties in the program, as certain aids may be difficult to obtain.
If full implementation of the program is not possible due to the local conditions at the applicant's place of residence, we refrain from collaboration under the principle of an honorable merchant.

We DON'T have a local practice, and you don't have to go anywhere with your dog to work with us! The greatest advantage of this 100% online activity is explained under Question 1. This way, you can take care of your dog's health regularly from anywhere. The concept of a local practice is completely revolutionized.
With our many years of experience with now over 1000 dogs, we can assure you that (except in the cases specified in Question 4) NO physical contact with your dog is necessary for us to support you.
Are you ready to take a new path with your dog?
We provide you with the necessary knowledge and all required tools.