The story of Labrador Liam — allergy, itch, ear infection are now gone!

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Itching in dogs — from worst enemy to really good guide
There were times when I thought I was freaking out! I was lying in bed at night and all my dog was doing was scratching, nibbling, licking and moaning. For a long time, this was part of our daily routine. And I'll be honest, there were really times when I thought I'd turn my neck on him, lock him out, or I'd move out. Physically, psychologically and financially, I was running at the limit.
But from the front. At around 1 ½ years of age, my dog began to develop a slight itch at that time. Perhaps even before that. I can't narrow it down that precisely anymore. The itch has slowly crept into our lives. At first I thought it was “normal.” A phase, stress, the weather, etc. But when it became more and more frequent and atypical, I had to do something.
I would describe itching as untypical when it occurs regardless of the situation. In stressful situations as well as in quiet phases, when moving as well as when standing still, during the day as well as at night. But even if the dog constantly loses its itch and doesn't stop by itself.
And this is how our marathon began with conventional medicine against itching:
The first suspicion is a lot of fleas or mites — i.e. a parasite protection tablet. Pollen, house dust and other external influences were also in focus, which is why daily washes with special shampoos and spraying with specific sprays before every walk were part of our daily routine. Neither was successful. On the contrary, regular washing changed my dog's skin a lot and the itching increased enormously and became more and more part of our everyday life.
The next suspicion was the allergy in the room. This was followed by an allergy test. Result: All allergies to household items, environmental influences and animal feed. That was a shock for now. And now? What should our lives look like now?
The allergy test is changing a lot. A change in food to “special food”, all changes in the household (new dog beds, different blankets, permanent washing, etc.) and freezing the food (against food mites) were now increasingly determining our lives. I admit that this worked for a while too and I thought it would be worth the effort. Until the itch came back again and again. And worse every time than before.
This was followed by further feed changes. All without lasting success. My dog was now gradually showing other symptoms such as diarrhea, ear infection, anal gland problems and paw inflammation. A bad dream?
I made my way to see a specialist doctor. A dermatologist. If he can't help, then who?! The result: Another change in feed. However, this came in handy for me. I should switch back to BARF. A cut-off diet followed. Even though I still had no answers to my questions, I was still very convinced that I finally had a solution. It all looked pretty good at first. A few weeks later, we completed our diet plan with the help of nutritional advice and it seemed to be stabilizing. The symptoms were not gone away, but they were tolerable.
But then came the disillusionment. And this time it's even worse than before. The itching became more extreme, followed again by an exclusion diet. This time to no avail. My dog reacted to everything. After a few weeks, my dog was no longer recognizable. The cheerful nonsense was now 3.5 years old (first!!!) Now a shadow of himself, only moved when necessary and had lost enormous weight.
It couldn't go on like this... But should it...
After another food change was on the agenda, we went home with a bag of hypoallergenic food and a pack of cortisone. I was at my wit's end. The thought of what was happening here and that I had no other solution freaked me out.
But in despair, I also let that happen to my dog in order to somehow relieve him of his itching. And it wasn't over yet. The symptoms persisted. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but you were there.
Now we were faced with the decision to give cortisone or the miracle drug Apoquel again permanently. Highly touted with chances of success of up to 80%, I thought we finally really had an approach thanks to Apoquel. Very naive! But it seemed that way at first. Gradually, all symptoms declined more and more, the wounds healed, the coat became more beautiful again and, above all, the itching significantly improved.
But that was the calm before the storm. After a while, my dog's gastrointestinal tract stopped playing. Diarrhea, vomiting, bowel noises, abdominal pain, etc. were our new/old companions from then on.
It was finally clear to me that the previous path would no longer be mine. Where are we now, after all? So I set out to look for alternatives and found a naturopath. We managed to minimize the symptoms, stop taking the medication again and achieve a relatively comfortable state. In particular, the severe itching calmed down again and the “stable” phases became longer and longer. It was a little time to take a deep breath. Finally!
But this, too, was not long lasting. The itching, the ear infection and the anal gland problems came back again and again.
Recently, I embarked on desensitization against my inner feeling. But after the first injection, everything in me screamed “STOP — IT'S ENOUGH! ”.
I was seized by ambition. There had to be something that finally explains what we've been through the last 3 years and above all that finally puts an end to my dog's suffering. I have not yet received any explanations about the most severe symptom, itching, except “That is the case with pedigree dogs today.”, “Allergies and intolerances are becoming more and more common, that is the same.”, “Your dog is easy to adjust with special food and medication. More is not possible.” or “As long as he doesn't scratch himself bloody anymore, everything is fine.” please? Exterminated? At 4.5 years old? Not with me!
The research continued. I attended seminars, workshops and gathered all the information I could get. But that didn't reveal the big picture to me.
Dr. Franz Spitzer has now come into our lives. At last, someone who can provide answers. He tells you EVERYTHING that is important to know in order to live up to your responsibility towards your dog and to give him a healthy, symptom-free, happy life.
And from here I finally had to stop looking! I had arrived!
In academia, I learned to think broadly. That is why I am now aware that symptoms are a good thing. A cry from the body for support.
And I had my answers to my question “What are the real causes of itching? ”.
These can be really extensive and not always immediately clear at first glance.
One of the main causes is certainly imbalance in the body. Here, it is important to support the body so that it can function properly and to bring the organism back into balance.
Physical things such as the type of bowl, water quality, food quality, walking, household cleaner and more... also play a role.
Another area of cause is the psychological component. This is often underestimated.
This concerns the psychological state of the dog itself, such as stress levels, rest periods, exercise, etc. But what also plays a major role is the owner's condition. Our dogs live in constant resonance with us and do a lot for us. That is absolutely unavoidable. That's why it's worth taking a closer look at yourself. For my part, I can assure you that my dog's itch went away 100% when I made some decisions for my life.
The path to investigating and eliminating the causes alone is often not possible. You're too stuck in your own cycle and don't notice certain things. It is therefore worthwhile to get support and Dr. Franz Spitzer's Academy is the best companion here.
Here you get background explanations from A to Z, you learn to understand symptoms, how to really eliminate causes, detailed step-by-step instructions on how the dog can recover and what else you need for a long, independent, healthy life of your beloved four-legged friend!
For me, it was the best decision of my life. Today, a few months after starting at the Academy, my dog is doing great. There are no symptoms anymore, my dog has a complete diet plan with everything he needs, we haven't even been to the vet anymore and animal health insurance has been canceled. We gave 100% and got 100%!
My dog said literally in an animal communication session a few days ago: “We've achieved a lot this year and I'm doing really well all round. I'm very proud of you, my friend! “Wow — I have nothing to add to that.
Frequently Asked Questions

In Question 4, all acute complaints and pain conditions are listed where direct physical intervention on your dog's body by a local veterinarian is really necessary.
For all other symptoms not listed there (especially if they have taken a chronic course), intervention on-site does not provide sustainable healing!
Symptoms are merely suppressed or diseases "managed," and what is always missing is the clarification of disease causes – and this clarification is very well possible online, i.e., remotely.
Through detailed anamnesis, the individual step-by-step plan, and long-term collaboration, we can demonstrably help you and your dog better than if we physically touched them! We obtain all necessary information through pictures/videos and interviews.
Since we work exclusively online, you can reach us from anywhere and receive daily answers to your questions.
Moreover, your dog is not subjected to the considerable stress associated with visiting a veterinary practice every time.

Nutrition is one building block in the regeneration process, but not the only or most important one. In our coaching, we have defined 6 central points that are indispensable for dog health based on experience. Therefore, it takes much more than just nutrition.

Just as a plant doesn't grow faster or a child doesn't grow up faster just because a person wants it to, your dog's healing also requires time and patience.
Depending on the symptoms, chronicity, previous medication, age of the dog, and also the cooperation or implementation by the owner, physical regeneration of your dog usually takes between 3-6 months, sometimes longer in severe cases.
Ultimately, many other factors play a role in regeneration. We always adhere to the iron principle: "The pace is set by your dog."

Definitely. Before the body shows symptoms, there is a long period during which your dog's organism tries to heal itself within its capabilities. Only when this is no longer possible and the regulatory or regeneration processes in the body are overloaded do symptoms occur.
Therefore, your dog shouldn't wait to show visible signs before you take action. The idea of prophylaxis is a central building block of our work to spare your dog (and you) a lot of suffering.

Even if your partner is skeptical, there's initially nothing standing in the way of collaboration, with one exception: He/she must not be categorically against it!
We humans often have a different opinion than our fellow humans and also often than our partner. Both opinions are equally valid.
Recognizing that both can be right means a whole new possibility and creates new space for you in your partnership!
A certain skepticism is indeed healthy, and we can discuss any concerns and fears. We always recommend asking the partner for trust! This gives them the opportunity to get their own picture of the collaboration. If one of the two is really categorically against it, we refrain from collaboration.
We don't want to convince anyone because this conflict is not a good companion for healing. The healing process always requires a joint initiative and harmonious cooperation. This can look very different, and we discuss how exactly in the joint conversation.

For the following acute problems, medical first aid by a local veterinarian is indispensable: Accidents, bone fractures, bite wounds & injuries, gastric torsions, poisonings, foreign body removal, and tumors/cancer. Here we can support you in the aftermath.
Neutering and vaccinations (which we advise against) are, of course, also a case for the local veterinarian.

In principle, yes. Most of our participants come from the D-A-CH region. Participation from Luxembourg and Liechtenstein is also unproblematic.
Due to the different local conditions and circumstances in other countries, there may be implementation difficulties in the program, as certain aids may be difficult to obtain.
If full implementation of the program is not possible due to the local conditions at the applicant's place of residence, we refrain from collaboration under the principle of an honorable merchant.

We DON'T have a local practice, and you don't have to go anywhere with your dog to work with us! The greatest advantage of this 100% online activity is explained under Question 1. This way, you can take care of your dog's health regularly from anywhere. The concept of a local practice is completely revolutionized.
With our many years of experience with now over 1000 dogs, we can assure you that (except in the cases specified in Question 4) NO physical contact with your dog is necessary for us to support you.
Are you ready to take a new path with your dog?
We provide you with the necessary knowledge and all required tools.