Overweight: “If you want your dog to lose weight, he must eat properly! ”

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I know it sounds too good to be true. And many of my customers with overweight dogs look at me with an unbelieving look when I explain to them that their beloved four-legged friend should eat more to lose weight.
Maybe you've ever tried putting your dog on an FDH diet (“eat half”) to lose weight? Or even worse — you only feed him special diet food... If anything, then you've certainly only had short-term success with it so far. Because the fact is, eating less will not get you there!
So much more! This makes it even harder for your dog to lose weight than before!
Many dog lovers report that their dog is constantly begging out of sheer hunger and cleaning up just about everything he can get his hands on while on the go or with friends.
The whole thing is based on a simple mechanism. You can think of it something like this:
If your dog eats too little and starves in the process, then his body calls up an emergency program that has been firmly established through evolution, a kind of emergency plan in which he says to himself:
“Oh god! There doesn't seem to be anything left to eat. That means I have to build up fat reserves immediately to save energy for bad times. ”
To do this, fat deposits are built up and body tissue is broken down where otherwise the most energy is consumed: in the muscles!
The result is that he does not burn fat at full speed — as you planned — but that valuable muscle mass is lost.
However, it is precisely this muscle mass that burns excess fat like a blast furnace in its normal state. He therefore enters into the so-called “hunger metabolism”, in which his body clings to every gram of body fat and he therefore barely loses any weight!
To illustrate, let's go through the following example together:
When are you particularly frugal and spend the least money? — Probably exactly when your salary is almost used up in the middle of the month and “there is still a lot of month left at the end of the money.”
The other way around — when do you spend your money most generously and with full hands? — If you've just won the lottery and have lots of money available.
Your dog's body “thinks” the same way!
If the diet is constantly full of high-quality nutrients (especially high-quality fats!) When absorbed into the body, it also burns its existing fat reserves more easily, because it “knows” that there is always plenty of replenishment and that there is nothing to fear for now.
So how can you prevent the mistake of his body breaking down muscles in favor of fat deposits? How can you get fat burning into full speed instead?
Answer: He must eat more!
Of course, that doesn't mean that from today on, he should unchecked everything that gets between his paws.
Here is the problem:
There are hardly any high-quality, natural nutrients, especially in industrially processed diet food. As a result of industrial processing, they are heavily modified, unbalanced and can only be poorly utilized by the body!
Your dog may eat lots of food here (which will likely cost you a fortune), but it doesn't contain the sufficient amount of natural nutrients that your dog needs.
As a result, even though your dog eats a lot of diet food, it still slips into hunger metabolism and is thus caught in the “emergency timetable of evolution.” For the body, it is not the amount of food in the bowl that counts, but only the usable nutrients it contains!
As a result of the hunger metabolism, energy, aka fat, reserves are then created and the metabolism is shut down — precisely to save energy.
As a result, the dog is even more likely to gain overall body weight while muscle loss. The more overweight the dog becomes, the more slender the disproportionately thin (because barely muscled) legs become in relation to the body trunk.
And the fewer muscles he has, the more energy and urge to move naturally disappear.
A vicious circle from which, as a dog lover, you can — and should — get out of at any time!
Because, as is well known, the consequences of being overweight are not to be trifled with! Cardiovascular failure, diabetes, skeletal disorders and, in general, a significantly reduced lifespan compared to normal-weight animals.
The first step to put an end to all this haunting is eating the right diet — so your dog should eat natural, species-appropriate food instead. Not only will he always be full of it, but he will also lose weight in record time.
And since he is no longer starving, he will no longer drive you crazy with his begging! ?
Conversely, our calculation from above also means that if he builds up more muscle, he also burns more energy (= fat) every day. This means that once he builds up more muscle again, he can eat more than before and still lose weight!
Great thing isn't it?
You might be thinking right now:
“That's all well and good, but he's not exactly a sports fan and running through the woods for hours isn't his thing either...”
The nice thing is that he doesn't necessarily have to be a sports fan to do it!
Why? Because in addition to a high-quality diet, he only needs moderate exercise to lose fat — always adapted to current fitness levels.
If you feed him properly, every gram of body fat lost will automatically make him more agile and more active day by day.
And you can save yourself the expensive diet food on top of that.
The vicious circle that you may still be in is suddenly transformed into an upward spiral, at the end of which is a very healthy dog with an ideal weight.
Frequently Asked Questions

In Question 4, all acute complaints and pain conditions are listed where direct physical intervention on your dog's body by a local veterinarian is really necessary.
For all other symptoms not listed there (especially if they have taken a chronic course), intervention on-site does not provide sustainable healing!
Symptoms are merely suppressed or diseases "managed," and what is always missing is the clarification of disease causes – and this clarification is very well possible online, i.e., remotely.
Through detailed anamnesis, the individual step-by-step plan, and long-term collaboration, we can demonstrably help you and your dog better than if we physically touched them! We obtain all necessary information through pictures/videos and interviews.
Since we work exclusively online, you can reach us from anywhere and receive daily answers to your questions.
Moreover, your dog is not subjected to the considerable stress associated with visiting a veterinary practice every time.

Nutrition is one building block in the regeneration process, but not the only or most important one. In our coaching, we have defined 6 central points that are indispensable for dog health based on experience. Therefore, it takes much more than just nutrition.

Just as a plant doesn't grow faster or a child doesn't grow up faster just because a person wants it to, your dog's healing also requires time and patience.
Depending on the symptoms, chronicity, previous medication, age of the dog, and also the cooperation or implementation by the owner, physical regeneration of your dog usually takes between 3-6 months, sometimes longer in severe cases.
Ultimately, many other factors play a role in regeneration. We always adhere to the iron principle: "The pace is set by your dog."

Definitely. Before the body shows symptoms, there is a long period during which your dog's organism tries to heal itself within its capabilities. Only when this is no longer possible and the regulatory or regeneration processes in the body are overloaded do symptoms occur.
Therefore, your dog shouldn't wait to show visible signs before you take action. The idea of prophylaxis is a central building block of our work to spare your dog (and you) a lot of suffering.

Even if your partner is skeptical, there's initially nothing standing in the way of collaboration, with one exception: He/she must not be categorically against it!
We humans often have a different opinion than our fellow humans and also often than our partner. Both opinions are equally valid.
Recognizing that both can be right means a whole new possibility and creates new space for you in your partnership!
A certain skepticism is indeed healthy, and we can discuss any concerns and fears. We always recommend asking the partner for trust! This gives them the opportunity to get their own picture of the collaboration. If one of the two is really categorically against it, we refrain from collaboration.
We don't want to convince anyone because this conflict is not a good companion for healing. The healing process always requires a joint initiative and harmonious cooperation. This can look very different, and we discuss how exactly in the joint conversation.

For the following acute problems, medical first aid by a local veterinarian is indispensable: Accidents, bone fractures, bite wounds & injuries, gastric torsions, poisonings, foreign body removal, and tumors/cancer. Here we can support you in the aftermath.
Neutering and vaccinations (which we advise against) are, of course, also a case for the local veterinarian.

In principle, yes. Most of our participants come from the D-A-CH region. Participation from Luxembourg and Liechtenstein is also unproblematic.
Due to the different local conditions and circumstances in other countries, there may be implementation difficulties in the program, as certain aids may be difficult to obtain.
If full implementation of the program is not possible due to the local conditions at the applicant's place of residence, we refrain from collaboration under the principle of an honorable merchant.

We DON'T have a local practice, and you don't have to go anywhere with your dog to work with us! The greatest advantage of this 100% online activity is explained under Question 1. This way, you can take care of your dog's health regularly from anywhere. The concept of a local practice is completely revolutionized.
With our many years of experience with now over 1000 dogs, we can assure you that (except in the cases specified in Question 4) NO physical contact with your dog is necessary for us to support you.
Are you ready to take a new path with your dog?
We provide you with the necessary knowledge and all required tools.