Greetings to the pharmaceutical industry

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
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Prescribed a remedy quickly
And dispelled the discomfort.
For side effects then,
There's another way to do it.
And the new funding? That's right!
It's very important to know that
Does it help against headaches
It certainly hits the stomach.
Now cure your stomach
But that then goes to the kidneys.
In this case, syringing helps
And the bile is already coming in.
You then treat them daily,
Until the headache is unbearable.
At this stage, the only thing that helps
An extended cure.
There are completely unabashed
Tried out new means.
This is how you get from core healthy
Gradually, the doctor's client.
The cycle will never end
Thanks to the pharmaceutical industry.
Because healthy people are for them
All just lost customers!
Before you ask: No, it wasn't written by me — unfortunately, as a vet, I don't have any poetic talent that I know of.
But since the current situation in (animal) medicine is unfortunately no better described than in this wonderful poem, it just fits perfectly here!
It is conditions such as those mentioned in this poem that have prompted me to do what I am doing here. And exactly the way I do it — here on the Internet!
If you have now landed on this page and are still skeptical about what to think of this Internet vet Dr. Franz, then please be sure to read the Enthusiastic Comments from My Previous Participants Through!
Many of these participants regularly report to me that they have been contacted here by unbelieving visitors to this site because they cannot believe that their comment is actually genuine...
And it's already clear to me: given the other conditions in “modern (animal) medicine,” it sounds too good to be true. An independent vet who, for once, does not act as a long arm of the pharmaceutical industry... and is exclusively committed to the well-being of patients.
An inexperienced graduate who “noticed” certain grievances or facts during his training AND also dared to address or openly question them...
A young doctoral student who unfortunately did not always do everything right, but had the courage to position himself as an independent and independent contact person for committed dog owners without knowing what consequences this could have...
And finally, an idealistic vet who, according to professional regulations, nevertheless obliges (!) Is to ask for money for your veterinary advice here!
So if you're wondering what “this” should cost, first of all, let's start with the fee schedule for veterinarians that is binding for all veterinarians (GOT) presented.
The (time) fees set by law, which are the basis for all prices of my courses, are listed here. I would like to point out at this point that, among other things, I am not allowed to provide advice “just like that” free of charge — as many owners unfortunately still expect.
So if you are one of those who is indignantly thinking about leaving a comment ala “Yes, he just wants to make money...” then please save yourself the energy and simply leave this page now.
I think it is now a mixture of honest communication of all these facts and, on the other hand, the obvious effects of my recommendations here, which ultimately leads to these exuberant participant comments (please really read them through).
Many of my customers are only amazed when I explain banal connections to them in clear terms that should actually be part of the basic knowledge of every dog owner.
But it is precisely these clear, unembellished words that are unfortunately in short supply at a time when many dog owners are more and more willing to hand over responsibility for their animal at reception.
Maybe you've trusted your vet's opinion more than your own gut feeling, even though you actually knew that your dog wouldn't help or receive a certain medication.
Or even worse — maybe that's why you've lost a beloved animal before. Comments like this one almost bring tears to my eyes sometimes...
As an illustration, let me briefly mention the following example to illustrate: As you can certainly imagine, the ice cream I'm standing on is getting thinner and thinner, so that I am deliberately expressing myself in general and non-specific terms here.
Continuing Education and Training for Veterinarians is Generously Sponsored by the Pharmaceutical Industry...
Veterinary Training Centers have been infiltrated by industry for a long time...
In addition, independent studies on drug effects and side effects are deliberately withheld and not made available to the public in medical journals.
In concrete terms, this means that I myself did not learn much of what I am able to convey with conviction today during my studies...
Many dog owners no longer even know that pharmaceutical treatment for complaints and illnesses is often NOT the only and certainly not the best way...
So how can you prevent making the same mistake as so many other dog lovers before you? Well, according to the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act, I can't make any promises of healing, but I can invite you to watch one of my online videos or watch the Reviews from my participants Read through
It's best to start with this video here!
Of course, that doesn't mean that I've eaten the wisdom with spoons and can help you with all your problems — experience simply shows that various ailments get better all by themselves over time if you do certain basics correctly and if you simply give the body the chance to heal itself...
Does that sound too esoteric to you? Don't worry, it used to be it for me too...
By the way, I recently sat at a, let's call it a “veterinary event,” at which a representative spoke about the development of pharmaceutical costs for animals. He uttered the following sentence:
“Expenditure increases have been very stable over the years. Look for a calm picture.”
Translated, it simply means the following:
The escalating pharmaceutical spending of many dog owners for increasingly common dog diseases has approximately doubled in the last 20 years. But looking at the year, the percentage increase compared to the previous year was always roughly the same... So clearly a calm picture.
The nice sentence is nothing more than an attempt to disguise an extremely questionable but also extremely lucrative development for some. However, as a layperson, you often only understand the depth if it has been “translated” by an independent source beforehand...
I developed this veterinary platform to bring all these connections closer to you in an understandable way and also to translate a lot of things...
As soon as you have watched several of my videos, you will understand why one participant wrote in the comments recently:
“I'm just afraid you'll starve to death if you keep showing us dog owners how we no longer need you...”
In this sense, all the best for you and your pet!
Frequently Asked Questions

In Question 4, all acute complaints and pain conditions are listed where direct physical intervention on your dog's body by a local veterinarian is really necessary.
For all other symptoms not listed there (especially if they have taken a chronic course), intervention on-site does not provide sustainable healing!
Symptoms are merely suppressed or diseases "managed," and what is always missing is the clarification of disease causes – and this clarification is very well possible online, i.e., remotely.
Through detailed anamnesis, the individual step-by-step plan, and long-term collaboration, we can demonstrably help you and your dog better than if we physically touched them! We obtain all necessary information through pictures/videos and interviews.
Since we work exclusively online, you can reach us from anywhere and receive daily answers to your questions.
Moreover, your dog is not subjected to the considerable stress associated with visiting a veterinary practice every time.

Nutrition is one building block in the regeneration process, but not the only or most important one. In our coaching, we have defined 6 central points that are indispensable for dog health based on experience. Therefore, it takes much more than just nutrition.

Just as a plant doesn't grow faster or a child doesn't grow up faster just because a person wants it to, your dog's healing also requires time and patience.
Depending on the symptoms, chronicity, previous medication, age of the dog, and also the cooperation or implementation by the owner, physical regeneration of your dog usually takes between 3-6 months, sometimes longer in severe cases.
Ultimately, many other factors play a role in regeneration. We always adhere to the iron principle: "The pace is set by your dog."

Definitely. Before the body shows symptoms, there is a long period during which your dog's organism tries to heal itself within its capabilities. Only when this is no longer possible and the regulatory or regeneration processes in the body are overloaded do symptoms occur.
Therefore, your dog shouldn't wait to show visible signs before you take action. The idea of prophylaxis is a central building block of our work to spare your dog (and you) a lot of suffering.

Even if your partner is skeptical, there's initially nothing standing in the way of collaboration, with one exception: He/she must not be categorically against it!
We humans often have a different opinion than our fellow humans and also often than our partner. Both opinions are equally valid.
Recognizing that both can be right means a whole new possibility and creates new space for you in your partnership!
A certain skepticism is indeed healthy, and we can discuss any concerns and fears. We always recommend asking the partner for trust! This gives them the opportunity to get their own picture of the collaboration. If one of the two is really categorically against it, we refrain from collaboration.
We don't want to convince anyone because this conflict is not a good companion for healing. The healing process always requires a joint initiative and harmonious cooperation. This can look very different, and we discuss how exactly in the joint conversation.

For the following acute problems, medical first aid by a local veterinarian is indispensable: Accidents, bone fractures, bite wounds & injuries, gastric torsions, poisonings, foreign body removal, and tumors/cancer. Here we can support you in the aftermath.
Neutering and vaccinations (which we advise against) are, of course, also a case for the local veterinarian.

In principle, yes. Most of our participants come from the D-A-CH region. Participation from Luxembourg and Liechtenstein is also unproblematic.
Due to the different local conditions and circumstances in other countries, there may be implementation difficulties in the program, as certain aids may be difficult to obtain.
If full implementation of the program is not possible due to the local conditions at the applicant's place of residence, we refrain from collaboration under the principle of an honorable merchant.

We DON'T have a local practice, and you don't have to go anywhere with your dog to work with us! The greatest advantage of this 100% online activity is explained under Question 1. This way, you can take care of your dog's health regularly from anywhere. The concept of a local practice is completely revolutionized.
With our many years of experience with now over 1000 dogs, we can assure you that (except in the cases specified in Question 4) NO physical contact with your dog is necessary for us to support you.
Are you ready to take a new path with your dog?
We provide you with the necessary knowledge and all required tools.